Capital Campaign: Mobile Surgery & Wellness Clinic
This sponsorship opportunity will help BARC purchase a mobile veterinary care unit. The mobile unit would serve dual purposes, on some days it would provide free and low-cost spay and neuter surgeries. On other days, it would act as a mobile wellness clinic providing low-cost wellness services to the communities with the greatest need. For reference, click to view the manufacturer that recently completed Harris County Pets’ new unit. This sponsorship would cover the capital cost to procure the mobile unit. It does not include operating funds for daily use.
Total Sponsorship Costs for Mobile Surgery & Wellness Clinic: $300,000
Capital Campaign: Outdoor Dog Run Revamp
Total Sponsorship Cost for Outdoor Dog Run Revamp: $50,000-$75,000
HW+ Dogs
Help cover adopters’ costs of heartworm treatment, which can range from $800 to $1,000.
General Donations
Help BARC’s animals through purchases of medical, kennel, sanitary and other supplies, and equipment.
Memorial Donations
Donate to the Houston BARC Foundation in honor of, or in memory of, a special person or beloved pet. ♥
PayPal Donations
Donate directly to the Houston BARC Foundation’s PayPal Account!
Mail-in Donations
If you prefer, you may download and mail the completed Donation Form with your check or credit card donations to:
Houston BARC Foundation
PO Box 22568
Houston, Texas 77227-2568
Amazon Smile
Customers shop. Amazon Gives. And the Houston BARC Foundation earns 0.5% of all eligible purchases, when selected by our donors!
Visit AmazonSmiles, select the Houston BARC Foundation, and donate 0.5% of your purchase every time you shop! It’s free! It’s easy!
BARC’s Wish Lists
The animals at Houston’s BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions have created Wish Lists for all of their favorite, much-needed items, AND, if you purchase the items through, you can benefit the Houston BARC Foundation! Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Houston BARC Foundation, when selected by our donors.
Donations can be delivered to:
BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
2700 Evella Street
Houston, Texas 77026-4594
(713) 229-7300
Reminder: All donations must be unexpired and unopened to be usable.
Cat's Wish List
Help us improve the shelter lives of BARC’s cats!
Dog's Wish List
Help us improve the shelter experience of BARC’s dogs!
Nursery List
Help save BARC’s newborn kittens and puppies!
Outreach Wish List
Help BARC’s Outreach Department do more to save lives! BARC’s Outreach Department helps them achieve their life-saving mission through adoption events, foster care & volunteer programs, Trap Neuter Release, community events, free spay/neuter programs, and more!