BARC Facts
Total Live Release
Total Intake
Pets Seen at Wellness Center
Total Adoptions
Pets in Foster Care
Return to Owner
Total Rescued
Pets Spayed/Neutered
Cats TNR & SNR
Hours Volunteered
Total Service Calls
Service Calls Completed
*Calendar Year 2021
BARC is the City of Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoption Facility. BARC is the only city shelter in Houston required by law to accept every animal that comes through their doors, regardless of breed, temperament, health conditions, and circumstances (from owner surrender, stray pickup, rescued or confiscated animals). On average, BARC takes in between 20,000 and 30,000 animals annually.
Since 2009, BARC has expanded its vision to improve the health and safety of Houston’s citizens, as well as its animal population, by pioneering programs such as no- and low-cost spay/neuter services, mobile adoptions, transfer/rescue, and community outreach. BARC works each day to prove that cities can protect public safety while saving animals’ lives and finding homes for animals in our care.
Through these programs and with support from the community, BARC‘s pet live release rate has improved from single digit percentages in 2009 to a 95.6 percent annual live release rate in 2020 as of December 2020.
Foster/Rescue/Volunteer: BARC collaborates and coordinates with over 150 rescue groups and provides intensive neonatal and adult pet fostering programs. BARC also provides hands-on volunteer training classes and continuous workshops.
One such rescue group, the Rescued Pets Movement, takes thousands of pets from BARC and “through rehabilitation, transport, and lots of love, we help pets find their forever homes in communities throughout the country that have a need for adoptable pets.”
Citywide Adoptions: In addition to completing the first phase of BARC‘s new adoption center, BARC recently began touring Houston with a brand new, donor-provided adoption trailer. This trailer makes it easier for animals to find homes in areas with high foot traffic and plenty of potential adopters.
Transport Program: BARC has established a revolutionary partnership with Rescued Pets Movement, a non-profit organization that transports BARC animals to Colorado and saves the lives of thousands of pets each year.
Fixin’ Houston Clinic: Low-cost spay/neuter programs are a proven way to reduce the stray animal population over time. BARC recently launched Fixin’ Houston – the first public, in-house, low-cost municipal spay/neuter clinic in Texas. So far, since the clinic began in 2014, BARC has performed low-cost spay/neuter surgeries on more than 11,000 pets.
Healthy Pets Healthy Streets: While spay/neuter is a proven solution to reducing pet overpopulation, many Houstonians do not have access to, or cannot afford, vet services. Health Pets Healthy Streets provides FREE spay/neuter services to more than 200 pets every month in neighborhoods with large stray animal populations.
Community Education: BARC‘s Education Coordinator visits Houston area elementary schools to educate children on the basics of responsible pet ownership and the importance of properly providing food, water, shelter, and vaccinations.
For further information, please visit the City of Houston BARC Animal Shelter and Adoptions website.
BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
3300 Carr Street
Houston, Texas 77026
(713) 229-7300
All emergency calls about animal abuse, fighting or general animal distress calls should be made to the City of Houston BARC emergency line: 311.